Tài liệu xử lý các vấn đề với lệnh mua hàng trong SAP Business One
The topic "Issues with Goods Receipt POs in SAP Business One", we will explore how to receive incorrect shipments from a vendor in a goods receipt PO document in SAP Business One.
I/ Business Scenario
Sometimes your supplier only delivers a partial order, other times the supplier delivers too much of an item. In either case, you track the amount delivered to ensure you receive a correct invoice.
II/ Goods Receipt Issues
Sometimes vendors deliver too little or too great a quantity for an item. A vendor might send a different item than was originally ordered. In these circumstances you can adjust the goods receipt PO accordingly to reflect the actual amount received.
We will examine the options available in SAP Business One for resolving issues that arise at goods receipt.
First, we will see how you can handle too little quantity by creating a goods receipt PO for a partial quantity.
Second, we will see how you can increase quantity on a goods receipt PO when you receive too large a quantity.
Third, we will look at how you can add new items when you receive substitutions.
1/ Partial Deliveries
When a vendor does not deliver a full quantity, you can reference the purchase order to create a goods receipt PO for a partial quantity.
Copy the row from the purchase order and reduce the quantity shown.
Later on, when the vendor sends a subsequent shipment, you can reference the purchase order a second time.
You can reference a purchase order as many times as needed, as long as the status is Open.
If you do not expect to receive any additional deliveries for a quantity of items not yet received, then you should close the purchase order so that the open purchase order quantity is reduced. The Status of the purchase order will change to Closed.
A purchase order is automatically closed by the system when all goods are received. If the purchase order has been partially received or not received, you can manually close it. The purchase order is not deleted so you can still display or duplicate the document, but it is no longer available for copying to another document, such as a goods receipt, goods return or A/P invoice.
Another option is to cancel a purchase order. This option is generally used when no items on a purchase order will ever be received.
You can cancel a purchase order that has never been copied. As with the status Closed, a Canceled purchase order is not deleted. You can still display or duplicate the document, but it cannot be copied to another document.
A canceled purchase order does not appear in the purchase analysis report, whereas a closed one will appear.
You can also choose to close a particular row rather than the entire document.
2/ Delivery of a Larger Quantity
Sometimes vendors delivers too great a quantity for an item.
When you refer to a purchase order document while entering a goods receipt, you can increase the copied quantity to reflect the actual delivered quantity.
3/ Substitute Items
A vendor might send a different item than was originally ordered, perhaps to substitute for an out-of-stock item.
In the graphic, two of three items ordered were delivered by the vendor. Those two items were copied from the purchase order to the goods receipt PO. However, the third item was not delivered.
Instead, the vendor sent a substitute item.
When this occurs, you can add the additional item to the Goods Receipt PO.
If the originally ordered item will never be delivered, you should should close the original purchase order so that this undeliverable item does not continue to appear on purchasing reports as an open item.
III/ Summary
Here are some key points:
- When creating a goods receipt PO with reference to a purchase order, you can copy all or some of the rows and adjust quantities for each row.
- You can reference an open purchase order as many times as needed.
- A purchase order is automatically closed by the system when all rows are fully referenced.
- If the document is partially received, you can manually close the document or close individual rows.
- If no items on a purchase order will ever be received, you can cancel the document.
- A canceled purchase order does not appear on the purchase analysis report, unlike a closed one.